What To Expect
Join other leaders and peers for the premier virtual leadership conference of the year.
From Monday, September 13-Monday, November 8, 2021 (6-9 pm), join other growth-minded men and women like you for eight (8) high-impact, inspiring sessions. During the sessions, you will receive a deep dive into eight (8) essential skills and practices of highly effective leaders. The sessions are filled with wisdom and practical examples to support your leadership growth.
Take the Next Step!
Register and secure your seat early. Registration is quick and simple.
Attend the sessions virtually from anywhere in the world.
Apply the leadership insights into your life and work right away.
Experience growth both personally and professionally.
COST: US $155. Enquire about our payment plans.
CONTACT: admin@coreleadershipservices.com for details

8 High-Impact Sessions
Learn how to:
1. Discipline yourself to achieve your goals.
2. Use self-control and self-management effectively.
3. Gain a healthy perspective on life and ministry.
4. Focus your attention on things that matter most.
5. Understand the difference between.
6. Train yourself to remain consistent.
7. Step out of your comfort zone and move toward your dreams.
8. The meaning of personal inertia and how to overcome it.
9. Use position and power with moral restraint.
10. Confront the real you in order to get to the ideal you
The Loneliness Epidemic and the Existential Importance of Relationships
We are more connected technologically today than ever before—but we have lost the human side of it all. We have sown the proverbial wind and we are reaping the whirlwind.
It’s not an either-or option. There are wonderful advantages that accompany this information age. But there are also terrible consequences if we don’t learn to manage it.
This is the impetus and passion behind the creation of this LAB—that the outcomes of this teaching will result in bringing awareness to the problem of loneliness and isolation. And that it might ignite within the LAB’s participants a fire of moderation, personal discipline, and concern.
We can learn to MANAGE OUR CONNECTIONS—technological and human, while also bringing back the understanding that we are first and foremost created for HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS
Getting to Know the YOU Everyone Else Knows
1. To better understand yourself; your unique personality.
2. Your manner of doing things.
3. To better understand others & especially those you work with.
4. The best ways to communicate with you.
5. How not to communicate with you.
6. The ideal environment you like to work in.
7. What your strengths & weaknesses are.
8. How you respond to problems & challenges.
9. How you respond to the pace of your environment.
10. How you respond to rules and procedures set by others.
11. The specific talents and behaviors you bring to your ministry and/or organization.
12. How to develop and use the power of diverse teams.
1. How you see yourself and communicate with others.
2. How you present yourself to others.
3. How others perceive you.
4. How to understand your actions vs. your motivations.
5. What others know about you, but you don’t.
6. What others don’t know about you, but you do– your secrets.
7. What others don’t know about you and you don’t either.
8. How to help team members better understand and trust one another.
9. To understand the role of sharing information and receiving feedback in building deeper relationships.
10. To build trust intentionally in relationships and within the work/ministry environment.
11. How to clearly see your interior self (self-talk)
Learn how to:
1. Examine the links between EI, leadership style, and results.
2. See emotional intelligence as Biblical wisdom.
3. Develop the capacity to motivate yourself and manage emotions.
4. Recognize & understand your moods, emotions, & drives, as well as their effect on others.
5. Control or redirect disruptive impulses & moods; to think before acting.
6. Develop a propensity to pursue goals with energy & persistence; a passion for ministry.
7. Understand the emotional makeup of other people.
Learn how to:
1. Control your calendar.
2. Harness your attention.
3. Schedule your values.
4. Organize and act on your priorities.
5. Develop healthy and consistent habits.
6. Act on your intentions.
7. Model the way for others.
8. Stay motivated and reach your goals.
9. Move one LAB closer to earning your ADVANCED LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATE.
Managing conflict is not the kind of thing that involves a simple and easy recipe. In this LAB, we will discuss 10 Skills that can help to create a “proactive and preemptive” process and culture of preventing destructive conflict and utilizing productive aspects of conflict.